
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Why Obama wants mandated health insurance coverage

During then-Senator Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, he said he believed in stealing from the rich and giving to the poor (remember Joe the Plumber?). Regarding health care, Obama now wants to use theft in his hope for mandated coverage by stealing from the healthy and giving to the sick.

In Obama’s speech last night, he spoke about all Americans “shouldering the burden” of health care. Who will take on this burden? The young, healthy, and uninsured will have to through mandated health insurance.

“Bringing everyone into the insurance pool – particularly young, healthy customers – spreads the risk and lowers over-all costs,” stated the Washington Post’s Ceci Connolly. Remember Obama wanting to spread the wealth? Now he wants to spread the health through burdening the young and uninsured.

Of the roughly 46 million Americans that don’t have health insurance, included in this number are illegal immigrants, young/healthy adults, and Medicare-eligible poor Americans. This number is used to justify nationalized health care, when really it is a misleading statistic.

I am 25, healthy, a non-smoker, and I don’t have health insurance. Why? Because I don’t need it and it is a waste of money for me. If I were to get health insurance, the insurance companies would make money off me because I would most likely never use my coverage. But I can’t tell Obama this, because he wants to force me to get health care, even though I don’t want or need it. What should be a personal decision for me might become a government requirement.

So how will Obama pay for nationalized health care? His health care bill will mandate coverage and force healthy and uninsured Americans to share the costs of something they don’t utilize at the benefit of sick Americans.

What happened to personal responsibility? According to Obama, the federal government knows best.

The Source

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